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Hiding weed in car air Vents

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Bwade, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. my friend has a ford 150 and the vents have big ass openings in them so i was wondering if putting a gram bag in the vents would avoid getting caught?
  2. If you get pulled over and they call over a dog you'll still be fucked.
  3. if they can smell it, they will look for it. if you want to shove it in the vents, make sure it does not smell and you can get it in there without being suspicious.
  4. Stash it in your underwear pocket or wear swim trunks
  5. i think in theory it's a really good idea but i have tried that brand with my puppy and she either totally ignores it or likes it. Issue with those types of products is they tend to be hit or miss when they work they work great but some individual dogs will just ignore them and some breeds are practically immune
  6. You have to be pulled over to get caught. But if you mean getting caught like when drug dogs go through parking lots (like at some high schools) then dont even bother having weed on you.
  7. umm yeh can you answer the question . weed in vents, cops cant put there hand in them , will it work

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