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Hi, teeth gone?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PreppyStoner, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Ok, i just got my 3 of my teeth out, there adult teeth.
    Im in alot of pain, and im really pissed off i have to quit cigs for 4 days.
    Well anyways i was just wondering if can smoke hash? Like the pin trick. Not in a joint?
    Or can i smoke it in a joint?
  2. For the most part, if it just happened recently, you may be on antibiotics to prevent infection. If the scarring hasn't healed that well, you may have to wait. But as long as your bud isn't loaded with terrible bacteria, and as long as you keep your mouth relatively clean, you should be fine.
  3. I would suggest cooking with the hash, as it (probably) wouldn't irritate it as much; and Ive heard hash milkshakes are just right for those post oral op pains
  4. That sucks man, I smoked the same day I had my wisdom teeth out and had no complications. Don't take my word for it do what you think is appropriate.

    I hated going to the dentist to get fillings and stuff until the time I realized I was immune to novicane. I had 10 shots in a row and then we had to reschedule for another appointment with nitrous. Now they are knocking me out with laughing gas :).
  5. um you can use a gravity bong shit worked wonders when i had my molars takin out
  6. shotgun i did it when i had some of my teeth out and it prevents dry sockets
  7. oh shit im on someones sig !
    +rep my man
  8. I definately remember seeing that in the "do you smoke alone" thread or something.
  9. Doctors advise you not to smoke after oral surgery because the suction can cause dry socket. Any other form of smoking should be fine as long as you're not applying any negative pressure inside your mouth to pull smoke. Example:

    Gravity Bongs. Easiest way to do it.

    WIDE-Mouth steam-rollers. I had oral surgery for an odontogenic keratocyst and I just used a paper-towel roll. Make one hole near the end of one side, throw your bong bowl in there, and steam roll that beotch.

    Shotguns. Have a friend hook you up!!

    Knife hits.
  10. Knife hits would require a tube, but I guess half a pen should be straight. Just make sure to take it easy on the suck.

    First time I said that in a totally non-sexual reference.
  11. I always used TP rolls to "catch" knife-hits. Anything wide-mouth where you can just gasp the smoke in (Not sure if that made sense).

  12. hmmmm that sounds like it would get you super high.

    but i would just put gauze in your mouth where the open wounds are, let them soak up with spit and blood, then just smoke a joint.

    i did a day after i got my wisdom teeth taken out and it set me right.
    darvocets + marijuana = the goodness.
  13. You could also cut off the top part of a 2- or 3- liter coke bottle - instant funnel with minimal suction, excellent for catching knife hits. Even a little 20oz. soda bottle cut in half works great - you'll miss no smoke.
  14. i thought if you smoke afterwards you can get nasty bubble things in that area which hurts and sucks to get taken care of.

    im pretty sure but id look into it if i were you since it COULD fuck you up.

    didnt they give you pills for the pain?

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