Hi People

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Blimmer, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Hi ive been browsing this and various forums for a few weeks deciding on the practitcality of growing my own weed. In my teens I loved smoking pot unfortunatly I did something stupid at a festival involving lots of alcohol and strong hallucinogens and I am now diagnosed with HPPD (Halucinogen Persitant Perception Dissorder) You can read about it on wikipeadia it sucks to say the least lol. Well the reason I stopped smoking was the high became terrorfying.

    After quite a bit of time suffering not knowing what the hell was happening to me I stumbled across some over sufferers who had near Identical symptoms to me this was a relief and also a burden at the same time as it appears there is no cure. I am prescrbed clonazepam which helps mask the symptoms, but over time I have built up a tolerance and its not as effective in controlling my anxiety its very addictive and I don't want to go any higher with my doseage. Im running out of options ive tried pretty much every antidepressant under the sun and they all aggravate my symptoms :(

    I recent years ive started smoking cannabis again, some strains help me relax and enjoy life while others send me to panic city. After doing some reading I beleive I should be avoiding Sativas and smoking Indicas. Where I live this is a problem because you dont get a menu so its luck of the draw (heh) :smoking: you get what ever your dealers got and they hardly ever know what they have....

    So Ive just received my first batch of feminised Seeds 3x Afghan Kush Ryder Ive read its a good strain for anxiety sufferers, they also threw in one seed of LA Lady, im going to be doing a closet grow with CFL's im still planning it out with odour being my biggest concern.

    Anyway I hope I havent bored you with my life story but this why I am here :wave:

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