HHmmmm a new look at lung cancer.

Discussion in 'General' started by ResinBall, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. Even better!! Lets build our own bio-dome!!! We can have entire rooms devoted to growing weed! Which if I remember correctly can be used as rope, a clean burning fuel, and "has a rapid rate of photosyninthisis, which means more air for EVVERYONE"....sorry had to throw that in there....

  2. Yeah, and when they incinerate it for energy, we can just stick our heads in the funaces!!!!
  3. this post is retarded. shut the fuck up and hear this: lung cancer exists; you might or might not get it if you smoke. but it almost DEFINITELY won't happen if you don't smoke. end of discussion.
  4. Most smokers think they won't get cancer, why would you continue if you thought you were? I guess the urge to smoke is jusr too strong for some.

  5. Quote from the biography: "[In Germany, Herbert Wagner and Hans von Ohain independently and in secret begin development of their own turbojet proposals at Junkers and Heinkel respectively.]"

    You are both right. Only I guess Sir Frank Wittle was a bit earlier.

    Yeah...bloody Europeans. Spreading their killer polluting machines throughout the world. Well, Grim: Your 64th can only be mad at half of me, since I'm half swiss :p
  6. dude how high are you

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