HEY! from georgia

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Methodious, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone! Just introducing myself to everybody on Grasscity, I'm Andrew
  2. Welcome, what part are you from?
  3. [quote name='"Twistedd"']Welcome, what part are you from?[/quote]

    I am in Sugar Hill, near the Mall of Georgia
  4. Welcome to the forum! How is the smoke down there? I got friends in savanah
  5. [quote name='"Gopedxr"']Welcome to the forum! How is the smoke down there? I got friends in savanah[/quote]

    Pretty damn good I'd say, but i've only been smokin about 6 months, so I'm kind of new to the scene here
  6. Whats up GC im new, interested in a small grow, i live near Coweta County GA

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