hey everyone!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by bonghittagrl, Apr 1, 2002.

  1. hey, my name's sammie... i'm new here.. just wanted to say hello to everyone!! :D
  2. HIGH sammie!! welcome to the CITY!!! lots of cool folk reside here, and welcome the new Blades with open arms!!
  3. Hey woman! I'm Tracy, glad to meet you! Just wanted to say hola to another female smoker! Been smokin for (believe it or not) around 15 years. Just love the stuff! I just found the city today and moved right in. So far so good! Alot of good imfo! See ya around- :wave:
  4. lol nice to meetcha tracy... i do believe you're the first female smoker i've met.. :) i'm always smokin w/ guys, and talkin about it w/ guys...nice for a female opinion.. :)
  5. Nice to meet you Sammie-and nice avatar too. lol. Welcome.
  6. Sammie..i like that name. HIGH and enjoy the city.
  7. heya sammie & tracy ~
    here's another girl to put on your potsmokin' list :D
    been smokin oh 7, 8 years n countin :)
    props to the girls who can hit a bong nice and proper !! not those little hits that don't clear the chamber :D

    and welcome to grasscity, you'll find this place nice n' mellow for your stoned enjoyment. hope to see ya 'round :)
    p.s. my name's lara :)

    Hello and sorry for that random outburst

    welcome to the city...
  9. Yeah! Let's hear it for the chicks that toke!

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