Hermie Seeds Question.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SciFreak, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. So I sprouted about 10 seeds and 6 have made it, these are seeds I have been collecting for the past 7 years. All of them are from Headies. Most of them I got when I got a hold of some really DANK buds from cali's that where HERMIE. So Here is my question does that mean that my plant is 100% Female, or that still a 50/50% chance for male of femal, or is there also the chance it's 100% Hermie? So if you know more than I do about seeds and sexing please help.
  2. #2 cannaboid69, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2008
    I think technically yes they should be female. but normally alot of hermies are just from poor genitics and some are from stress. From what I've read about feminized seeds. when they make them the take mother plant clone it force the clone to produce male flower to pollenate another clone from same plant. hence you have female seeds produced but less seeds than would had been produced had a true male pollenated it. but hell you got a good chance of a female but it might also hermie. Just baby it and don't stress it out. I also read of a guy that would make true feminized seeds by over flowering his plants and at week 14 it would have a male flower but it comes too late to pollenate the plant. he would save it in the fridge the pollen and pollenate another female in his next crop. Amazing plants.
  3. i thought a hermie can only polinate itself and only make more hermies. am i wrong?
  4. all seeds are a 50/50 shot. idk why a strain would be called hermie, but there are no such thing as hermie seeds either.
  5. I don't know the strain, I just know how they got the seeds in the buds that. Thanks for the a's
  6. ahh so the seeds were from a hermie plant eh? hmm idk what the chances of your plants going are then
  7. #7 dr dro, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2008
    If a plant gets pollinated by a hermie, it's seeds should be female. But they might have a higher chance of then turning hermie than regular females, I'm not sure.
  8. RUMOR, they will be 50/50 seeds, but with a hightend chance of hermies
  9. So would sexing the plant (ie turning on 12/12) instead of vegging be a good idea, and then can I turn it back into veg once I figure out if they are females? Or would this stress the plant too much and turn it into a hermie?
  10. See because I only have 250w MH/HPS + a 125w Warm CFL from Sunleave, soo roughly about 375 watt for my 6 seedlings right now, but I would like to focus on the female more since I don't have that much lighting. Also would adding another CFL be a smart choice, and also how could I set those up close to the plant without burning them?
  11. i Tried that "leave your plant inflower for an extra sixty days trick" and nothing worked for me. I guess some times it works and some times it doesn't. I really tried to stress the hell out of it after that didn't work, and still no luck.

  12. Light leak from clone chamber and a mess up in light scedule 2 days worked for producing a hermie for me...

    Seems as if light stress will do it..

    I saved the 3 flowers from one female/hermie and polinated another female strain.. It produced 2 fertile seeds that sprouted in 2 days after placing in soil.. I will grow these two sprouts and start a journal to see if in fact they are both female..
  13. Pollen from a hermie can pollinate itself and/or other females and even other hermies. Pollination is when pollen finds a pistil and they start to make an embryo (seed), doesn't matter the source of either one.

    On the question of the gender and outcome of the seeds, it all depends on what kind of hermie, and there are different kinds.

    First off, females are not alone in being able to hermie, males can too. We usually don't see too many of those becauase as soon as they show male they get yanked, but it does happen. So it depends in part on what kind of genetics you are starting with.

    Some hermies are genetically screwed up. These most likely are passing along screwed-up genes to the next generation, so could be female, male, who knows but most likely the offspring will be hermie and, if the result of the mother self-pollinating, more screwed up than the mother. These you don't want.

    Some hermies are caused by stress, especially light stress. The stress can affect the formation of the pollen and/or ovaries such that the embryo doesn't form properly inside the seed or gets damaged chromosomes that are passed on. These you don't want either.

    There are ways to selectively stress a female to produce a few outwardly male flowers but the plant is not otherwise stressed and screwed up. These male flowers have feminized pollen because the male pollen determines the gender -- just like in humans, females have XX chromosomes and males have XY, so the female has only X chromosomes to contribute to each sex cell whereas a male contributes an X chromosome to half the sex cells and a Y chromosome to the other half of the sex cells. So, the pollen from the male flowers on a female stressed this way is guaranteed to have only X chromosomes, which when used to pollinate a female flower (which also has only X chromosomes to contribute) the guaranteed result is a XX chromosome pair, which is to say that the seeds are feminized. Breeders have learned through large-scale trial-and-error and some sharing of info which techniques on which strains produce stable feminized seeds. This process is difficult to do correctly without resulting in screwed-up seeds, so while some people do it successfully themselves I think it's best to buy from the pro's.

    Another kind of hermie is a "clone in seed form" -- in certain strains there is a survival mechanism that causes females to produce seeds without having been pollinated. What happens is that if the female is not pollinated and is left to flower beyond maturity, the plant will create a few random seeds as a last-ditch effort to pass on its genetics before dying. These seeds are genetic clones of the mother, and this happens only in certain strains and is how some breeders make some of their femmed seeds.

    Bottom line: we have to stop talking about "a hermie" as if that alone tells us all we need to know. Unless you know what you are doing or get lucky, seeds from hermies have a high likelihood of producing screwed-up plants and/or turning hermie themselves.
  14. Thought I should add this to shed some light to "Natural XX female":
    Contributed by Mr.XX and TheSiliconMagician:

    "This is the strategy of Mr. XX, a Dutch breeder, for creating all female seedlines from slight hermaphroditic pollen. What he does is put the lights on 12/12 for 10 days. Then turns the lights on 24 hours, then 12/12 again for a few days, then back to 24 hours for a day, then 12/12 again for a few weeks.

    If he does this and no hermaphrodites come up. He has found a 100% XX female that cannot go hermaprhoditic naturally. He says that your chances of finding a 100% XX female is vastly increased when using Indica genetics. He told me that the more Afghanni or Nepalese genetics the plant has, the better the chances of finding a natural XX female. His
    exact words were "Where did mother nature give weed a home at originally?"

    I tried to get him to narrow it down to a ratio, but he never specified just how many plants per are XX females his exact words are "plenty of XX girls for everybody" and that is all he will say on the subject. Only that it takes alot of time and alot of plants to find that one female.

    He then uses Gibrellic acid. 30 centiliters of water with 0.02 grams of Gibrellic acid and 2 drops of Natruim Hydroxide to liquify the Gibrellic. Then applies as normal and creates the male flowers. He has gotten down to the 4th Generation with NO loss of vigor, NO genetic deficiencies and NO hermaphrodites. He claims that the plants are EXACT GENETIC CLONES of one another. Complete sisters. Basically it's clone from seed instead of from normal cloning methods."

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