Herman Cain - Iowa - January - Figment of Imagination

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WhereRDaCookies, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. The only candidates I consider to be "real" as in not characters in a zany cartoon are Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. I have no idea how a candidate such as Cain can be taken seriously by anyone. The crazy shit that spews from this mans mouth should never see the light of day. Anyone who gives this "thing" a platform from which to spew this craziness should be jailed. I refuse to even acknowledge the rest of the so called "candidates" in the presidential race simply because I do not see them as real people. They must be a figment of someones imagination as I refuse to believe they are actually real.

    Ron Paul is the only acceptable choice for the Republican ticket. I have little hope that this will actually happen, but I will be doing my best in Iowa to help him along the way by encouraging my peers to vote and informing them of his beliefs, and intentions upon taking office as president. If all else fails I'll be voting for Obama. I have faith with a Republican congress that he simply cannot fuck up half as bad as Bush did.
  2. It's amazing how good the liberal media is able to shift its minions focus on irrelevant candidates then the ones currently burning america.

  3. Not that I necessarily disagree with you, but you really didn't give much of any info on why you're opposed to his policies, or even what they are. To what "crazy shit" are you referring?

    Why would you want a leftist ideologue as a President with a Republican Congress? :confused: Sure he won't fuck up, he won't be able to b/c the Prez can't do a damn thing without Congress (for the most part, he's tryin damn hard to power grab). I don't see how it would be at all good for the country to have a lame duck Pres for 4 years in effect... I don't see him budging on his position, nor do I see the Republicans, unless of course Boehner the Caveman or his cronies caves to the other side :rolleyes: But again, I don't see how it's good for the country.
  4. You put Mitt Romney in the category of not being a character?

    One year he's this, the next year he's that... He's a typical flip flop politician trying to get voted into office by any lies necessary. He's a jackass.
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz1aLR05eb8]Mitt Romney's America - YouTube[/ame]
  6. Stopped reading after the first sentence. Mitt Romney is exactly what's wrong with politics these days...
  7. I never said that I agree with Mitt Romney's at all. You should not be judging me for acknowledging him as a candidate you should be disappointed in the American voter. Lets face it he has been holding a very solid #2 position this entire time. The other so called "candidates" have been humping a door knob around the bottom rankings. If Mitt Romney were to win the republican ticket I'd be forced to either vote for Obama or write in Paul's name. Even though writing in Paul's name is just as pointless as not voting at all.
  8. Do you honestly think anything Obama has done is equal the clusterfuck known as the Bush presidency?
  9. The way your first sentence goes, you're implying that Mitt Romney isn't a character (cartoon as you described).

    I understand your second post... You acknowledge him as a candidate that has a chance, but that doesn't change my response to your original post.

    If you actually follow what Mitt Romney has done and said over the last few years it's pretty clear he shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as Ron Paul.

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