Heres a Question to Ponder.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by cheefthecheeba3, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Ok now im just really high and got spurred on by the "do you wish you were a kid again" thread, but it got me thinking. Ok now Im atheist, so I doubt it but this would be cool. Ok so you life your life and die, and your chillin at the pearlys rippin a bleez waitin for the big guy and he finally comes and gives you 2 choices. You can go and spend eternity in heaven, or you can go back and live another life again. What would you do? If you have any other sweet what if shit bring it up lets get a little discussion goin.
  2. this would probably be better suited in the philosophy forums..

    But yeah, thats a tough one. Id probably just stay in heaven. I could be high all I wanted, with no tolerance.

    shit would be sweeeeeeet.
  3. I think I would pick heaven too, I could spend all my time with relatives, and friends that had already passed on. I think it would be pretty amazing.
  4. I'd live all over again. Depending on when this happens, of course. If my parents were dead and some friends as well, it would be a bit more challenging of a decision. If people are in heaven when I get up there, they'll be there when I return the second time around, hopefully haha. Living life completely happy (the 2nd time...), knowing that heaven is just waiting would be pretty awesome. Imagine rolling through life KNOWING you're passing through to heaven when you die and all that happiness comes your way, not a doubt in your mind. Personally, it would be the best liberation of the mind ever.
  5. I don't know.. That's kind of hard to answer since I know what life is like but I don't know what heaven is like. But I guess I'd choose heaven because in my mind, heaven is just a giant smoke circle and that sounds good to me :hello:
  6. but if you know theres heaven you could be worrying all your (second) life you might not get in again.
    :O and never have fun

    i would chose to live again, but only if i kept my memory and knowledge. no way am i relearning past experiances
  7. I'd be high in Heaven forever.
  8. #8 SpiceMadeOfLife, Nov 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2008
    Thats a tough question. If you pick heaven, your there forever, no turning back BUT if you go back you'd have to start all over. New parents, new freinds, new life experiences, your entire identity and even what you look like will change.

    I dunno I lived a long, fulfilling life, I'd stay in heaven. Cause there are infinite amounts of different people to talk to infinite people to talk to.

    Oh wait, I'm an aethiest. Okay, I believe there is an afterlife, but I dont believe in God. No wait, whuh? I think I'll have to smoke a bowl and think about this one...
  9. lol ^

    yea i think id give it another chance and go through it again. id do things differently, make large changes, maybe try to become president muhahaha,
    but yea i think id take that chance. to live, to love, to cry, to make love, to change, to blazzzeee lolz :D
  10. If you lived again, after that life what happens? Do you go to heaven or what? if so id live another life then go to heaven.
  11. live life only if i was guaranteed my spot in heaven and didn't have to relearn past experiences. maybe have some ordained powers no human has because of my special decision?
  12. i pick life
  13. +rep that was so dope. i too am high so i cant decide. would you get like 30 virgins a day and ulimited energy, or like 30 hos that are good at sex cause virgins could fuck up. fuck i would be ripped in heaven
  14. wow i was so high earlier i don't even remember posting this
  15. I'd definitely go with living again if I had the knowledge of my past life. If not, I'd choose heaven. There are too many chill dead people...


  16. heaven

    any other choice would be a trap

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