ohyeahh... Hendrix’s Final Recordings Set to Arrive on “Valleys of Neptune” : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily
This thread is going to get moved to the Music Hall. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUg7xl4kKUw]YouTube - Jimi Hendrix - Third Stone from the Sun[/ame]
man I have a cd of some his home recordings and the last track is him, probably high as fuck, just babbling about some crazy shit. Its pretty interesting. Has anyone else heard that?
Why I oughtta!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cd7F4faXg]YouTube - SV - Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing[/ame]
I could spend days in his purple velvet box set. There's a live Catfish Blues (Clark Univ.?) on that thing that crushes me. Songwriter, Player, Icon. He had it all.
Anybody who can take the Beatles and turn it into this, is just amazing. Forever Live Jimi [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ_Kip3FP0Q]YouTube - Jimi Hendrix- Sgt Peppers lonely hearts club band[/ame]
My favorite artist and always will be. Castles made of sand is my favorite song, I can listen to it all day. Being baked just adds to the appreciation. Many artists can make bad ass solos but few can make one that sounds even more bad ass backwards. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF4-r2MpRMs]YouTube - Castles Made of Sand- jimi hendrix[/ame]
yeah - since early in highschool i always was a Jimi fan. then a few years back i fell into absolute obsession and i'll love him and his music forever. i have around 600 jimi tracks on my itunes. i mean .. just look at my name.