
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by rockstar99, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. i dont understand why my plants keep wilting like this... i gave them 10 cups of water each 5 gallon bucket at a 6.3 PH on wednesday. The soil still seemed kindve moist yet they were wilting today. I dont know if i should be giving them water everyday now or what the problem is. The plants are 8 weeks old still in veg.

    im using 1000 watt MH lights
    nutri-plus nutrients
    room temperature is 75 degrees with 70 percent humidity

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  2. are they root bound?
  3. i dont know what that means ... i have some plants where the roots are exposed on the top of the pot which i thought was weird. they look like veins sticking out of the soil.
  4. #4 hostileguy, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    if you have multiple white(healthy)/brown(dead) roots sticking out of the soil on the top and from the bottom of the pot(through the drainage holes), it is most likely root bound. It probably needs a transplant, shift it into a larger pot. Other symptoms for root bound plants include the soil drying up quicker than usual, stunted growth, etc.
  5. This happened in two days? Are you sure? I think you're probably over watering. Let the top of the soil get dry before you water next time.

    I have also seen this happen when you get root aphids. Stick your fingers two to three inches into the soil and stir it up a little. Look for tiny little specks moving around. They're REALLY tiny.

    Sometimes they're springtails and harmless. Sometimes they're root aphids and suck your plants from the roots.
  6. this happens all the time... i will water them and then within a day or 2 they start to wilt again or curl up... the top leaves havent been shooting straight for the past week. The roots arent sticking out of the bottom its just noticable on the top ill show you a picture of what im talking about. but why do you think these plants keep wilting like this... sometimes i walk in the room and they look like there practically dead until i give them water and they come back to life.
  7. looks like they are over watered..
  8. def over water man sometimes it takes 2 days for a plant to tell u its over watered let that fucker dry out. Make sure u got plenty of drain holes in ur pot if not drill some then get a nice tray and fill it with ur water and bottom feed see if that helps it should eliminate any possibility of over watering cause ur letting the roots do the work cut ur water down to half cup its def over watered no doubt about it ....good luck mang
  9. why cant people turn their HIDS off before the snap pics lol
  10. your right man because i know im not underwatering them thats for sure im giving them 10 cups of water each 5 gallon bucket.. so like your saying every 2 days then it will show over watering so what i have been assuming is when they wilt after 2 days that they need more water so i been giving them more... when i went in there today they were still drooping so that means they have plenty of water... there isnt that much damage i couldve done to the yielding process right?
  11. try some h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) you can get the stuff from the store thats in the brown bottle and pour it directly into the plants with no problems at all - its only 3% h2o2 anyways but you could mix it with water but not that much or it will become useless - or you can buy the stuff called "H2O2" in the white bottle thats 29% and you have to mix 3ml per 4 liters or water

    I would let the plant dry out, you would be surprised how dry a pant can get and come back to life so dont be that worried if its looking droopy and its dry - but if its looking droopy and its wet then its probably over watering

    dont worry about the ph when you put the h2o2 into it that wont matter

    but hydrogen peroxide will just evaporate away and leave oxygen behind that the roots want - I have had people tell me not to do this but I have asked a friend who is a botanist and he said its no problem as long as its less then 5% h2o2 it wont kill the plant
  12. sometimes if its to bad it can kill a huge healthy plant only time will tell raise ur temp if possible and get a fan on em
  13. :confused: i dunno man dont sound good but if a botnist told u then dump that shit in there
  14. here are some more pictures... I have watered 2 times at a ph between 6.0-6.3 ... I have to feed them next so what do you guys think i am lacking on nutrients? and should i be giving them a higher PH ?? also i have red about the epson salt does that work?

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  15. ur ph is low for soil man and the humidity in ur room at 70 percent is causing ur plant to retain water much longer. A low ph will lock out magnesium man bump it up a 6.5-6.7 let them dry out first they dont appear to have a nut disorder but ur first move would depend on what u planning on doing with the plants need some details Are u gonna get keep vegging it? Or are u gonna flower? different nutes for different phases of life the leaf defect def looks like mag get some calmag, magical, or epsom salts will clear that up its doesnt look to bad yet but if u keep ur ph that low u will def lockout magnesium dont it a million times in hydro lol
  16. I dont need a botanist to tell me its ok to use hydrogen peroxide, its something that I have been told as a kid from family members and people - I just assumed it was a known fact

    its just science, water is H2O and hydrogen peroxide is H2O2 its the same as water it just has an extra oxygen molecule attached to it so essentially a dumbed down explanation is its really oxygenated water which is a good thing
  17. ur telling him to add more water to a over watered plant. Iam not saying h2o2 is bad for plants by any means but if the dam thing is over watered dont dump anymore liquid on it ....not to mention the oxygen in h2o2 will deplete and u will be left with a over watered plant still imo... dont get all trolled out on me just dont make sense to me no disrespect iam sure ur methods are great good luck
  18. if anything use a a sterile rod and poke holes in ur medium to let o2 into the roots will help dry faster
  19. yes that could be a problem, but assume that its already over watered and the water in there could be stale or even to much nutes and probably if you could see the roots they would be brownish not nice and white - so adding this can replenish the water and clean off the roots allowing them take up clean water with oxygen

    to be safe I would just wait till it drys out, poke holes into the soil like was mentioned and even get a dehumidifier if you have one - if you can turn up the heat a little that will help it dry out and if its in veg then a litle heat wont hurt as long as its below 85 deg F - but the next time you water use some h2o2, and maybe even use it every week or so it helps out a lot

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