
Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by vznillaman1, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. I have had my plant for about a month and a half and it doesn't seem to be growing any taller. It's about 6-7 inches tall the first 5 inches there's nothing just stem, and the top inch or two theres about 15-20 leaves. What's goin on?Is it alright?
  2. Can you post pics please or find a matching plant here:
    1. hydro, soilless or Soil & brand name of soil ?
    2. PH of reservoir solution?
    3. PH soil runoff?
    4. PH of water?
    5. Age of plants?
    6. What Fertilizer, dosages, and frequency?
    7. lites, wattage & proximity to plants
    8. Light cycle. 24/0,, 18/6,, 12/12?
    9. In light cycle how long?
    10. Room temps or reservoir temps
  3. 1. Soil Brand name unknown
    2. PH of reservoir solution? Pot with holes in it?
    3. PH soil runoff?
    4. PH of water? Pure Life Natural Spring Water
    5. Age of plants? 2 montgs
    6. What Fertilizer, dosages, and frequency- C-I-L Blood N Bone Meal 7-7-0 - When I switched pots
    7. lites, wattage & proximity to plants- Sunlight
    8. Light cycle. 14/10
    9. In light cycle how long? Past 2 months?
    10. Room temps or reservoir tempsOutside temperature
  4. PH is the biggest issues with container growing, since you dont know the PH and you have been fertilizing, I believe your soil is acidic & causing the stunting

    To rule out PH related issues complete a soil runoff PH test.......
    with PH corrected water (6.5-6.8PH ) pour enough water in the pots so the water runs out the bottom of the pot ...collect & test the PH of this runoff water....
    If the PH reading is out of optimum range 6.5-6.8 PH, you need to flush your plant.
    Flush with PH corrected water, till in optimum PH range, 3 times the volume of the pots rule of thumb but may require much more flushing if the rootball is thick & sour
    EG: 1 gal pot = 3 gal. flush
    add 1/2 strength nutes to the last gallon of the flush.

    you need PH test equipment, chemical PH test (from aquarium supplies)or digital PH meter also PHup & Down Correcting Solutions....for emergency you can use vinegar to go down and baking soda to correct up....
  5. Thanks alot! Appreciate it

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