
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HappyGro420, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. Hey guys I’m on day 13 on my northern lights & today I went in my close sat next to my 2x2x4 tent to work on my baby plant before work & my acurite thermometer fell on the whole little plant just wondering if it still looks fine & will it still be able to grow ?
    Below The First 2 Pics Are From Day 12 / Before the small incident as you can see the thermometer in the back.
    The last 2 are the pics from after incident you can see one leaf is kinda slanted & main stem may have been slanted a little

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  2. Also I’m using a 600w bloomspect LED, a 4” clipon fan directly on the plant & 20” fan to cool down temp until my inline arrives later..
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  3. yep get a fan blowing in there if you have not got one ,,keep the tent open a bit as well plants not giving off any smell smell yet ...mac,
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  4. Alright & ive been having my 4in clip on since it’s stronger blow on the plant & I have a vent flap open that ima use later to connect the fan & duct arriving today

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  5. It'll be just fine.
  6. Thx sorry I posted for nothing just checked on it & my baby is looking healthy & I see leaves growing out on the sides like they’ll be layering the first set of leaves think I’m gonna start seeing it get taller

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  7. i';ll be popping in and out of your grow mate and see how you are getting on so luck with your grow ,,,and enjoy the weed when its harvested and you get the first smoke from it ,mac,,
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  8. This is how the bottom leaves look aka the first sprouted round leaves under it are yellowish greenish any comments about that? Gonna order rope hangers today

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  9. & also it looks as if everything is healthy, my temp stays at 77-86F & can get up to 90F sometimes humidity 30%-44%

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  10. Just keep it leaning away from it man.
  11. That's totally natural....those are what's known as the cotyledons.

    "Cotyledons are the first leaves that appear on a seedling. The word cotyledon comes from the Greek word for cup. They grow as a pair, and some mutated strains can have three cotyledons. The appearance is round in shape, and they eventually fall off the plant as it matures, grows taller and develops new leaves." - What are Cotyledons? - Definition from MaximumYield

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  12. Ohhh okay thank you so much I understand it much more now
  13. Like away from the way it fell? & it’s been looking fine so far
  14. Whatever works man. I’d keep it leaning against the pot as far away as it can. But it’s whatever works for you
  15. Ohhh training it lol, I was gonna do that at day 30 when I start feed

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  16. Quick update: Day 17 humidity is at a cool 29-34% temp 88F & it’s actually growing faster than I expected it!! So far I haven’t fed it any nutrients just running Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil 28% nitrogen slow release so will feed guano grow crazy & some homemade worm Castings on day 30.. watering only when needed with essentia water & I flushed it once I think lol I watered until a bit started to drain out the bottom of my fabric pot. Also added my inline fan as a extra fan to keep temp down until I figure out how to use the ducting locks to connect my ventilation. Prob won’t connect until I switch to flower or before I get it into flower

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