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Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Johnnyfever, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. Is this a magnesium deficiency ? Outdoors growing in peat moss, composted cow manure, perlite and lime. Using dry seaweed as a mulch on top. Thanks.

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  2. It could very well be, though it is presenting more like a N def. except N problems usually start and progress from the bottom up.
    The other signs I can see are some curling issues in the new growth. The old growth looks pretty healthy, so I am inclined to think it is caused by a recent change. I would first suspect a pH problem generated by a recent addition.
    A slight pH imbalance can selectively lock out different nutrients, depending on the direction and magnitude of the imbalance. Growing outdoors in a non well established plot will likely give you some issues until you can balance the bio-chemistry of the root zone.
    Did you add or change anything to the root zone in the last three weeks?
  3. Thank you. Yes 2 weeks ago they went from indoor 2 gallon pots and comercial soil mix...into the ground,in organic soil. I knew there might be some minor issues with this but I want to get it straightened out ASAP lol. Here's a pic from another plant in same soil.

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  4. That is almost certainly a pH issue. Not an easy thing to correct outdoors.

    Can you take a sample from about 6 inches down and do a pH test? I have a feeling that you overdid the lime.
  5. Yup I'm testing it this evening. Should I add epsom salts to provide magnesium? Because if its ph related its probably also not getting enough magnesium...I think lol ?? It resembles a magnesium difeincency, caused by ph...maybe lol. I only used 1 cup of lime in a 2 1/2 foot by 2 foot hole. Thanks again
  6. Don't add anything until you get the main issue dealt with. That would only compound the problem.
    With a pH lockout, it's not that there is too little of an element, it is that the roots can't uptake it.
    A cup of lime will amend and stabilize a VERY acidic condition...
    I will wait for the test results.
  7. Sounds good, thanks so much
  8. The results are in...I'm pregnant, with twins...again lol. Anyways the ph is still a bit low but close. Between 5 and 6 in 4 different plots. I'll attach a pic. It also has rained almost every 2nd day here in Nova Scotia for the last month so the roots have probably stayed damp, I havent had to water them at all since they've been in the ground for the last 16 days. That can cause problems too...and theres a rainfall warning again for tonight. So what's my next step ? I've got lots more lime lol.
  9. Here it is

    Attached Files:

  10. That is not what I was expecting. It is showing a highly acidic condition even through the lime.
    Those tests are difficult to get accurate, but close enough to see that your soil is still WAY to acidic.
    I read that test as <5
    Here is a chart that depicts the nutrient/pH relationship.

    The range of 5.5 - 6.5 as mentioned in the accompanying article is intended for hydro applications. In soil you should be shooting closer to 6.8. This variation is primarily due to the differences in chemistry between fertilizers and nutrients.
    Fixing the soil after the fact probably isn't going to work. There are things you can do like making adjustments to added water, but this also will generate pH swing which is worse than you have now.
    added to that, you have no control over the quality of water being added to your grow.

    I should have looked at the photos more closely. You have planted in a pine forest. Pine trees will change the soil chemistry to highly acidic (<5) which is shown on your test. It is a widespread pH change that covers almost all the soil covered by the needle litter. This very low pH condition will be almost impossible to correct in an amended hole like you have. As the water from the rain (which is likely acidic too) travels through the soil it will bring with it the very low pH from the surrounding area. If you repair the pH of the soil you will kill the pines. If you don't you will kill your cannabis.

    Best thing I can suggest at this time is to move the plants out of the pine forest. If this is not an option, then I would suggest getting the plants into their own containers (5 gallon buckets) where you can control the rootzone.
    Since stealth is not nearly such an issue here in Canada, getting them closer to home where you can keep control over conditions is a much preferable solution.

    Sorry for the lack of a simple solution.
  11. No problem thanks for all your help.

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