
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Billym101, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. what has happened..(the pics aren't there)???

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  2. Jesus. They look like they dried out ?

    What actually happened ? What changrs have you made. Have you been checking them everyday. The pic isnt the best so hard to tell without more info.
  3. hi mate we have been watering them
    But what I think has happened the light plug got pulled out and they haven't had light for last few nights it's 1st time growing need help bring them back or if they are to far gone
  4. hi mate we have been watering them
    But what I think has happened the light plug got pulled out and they haven't had light for last few nights it's 1st time growing need help bring them back or if they are to far gone
  5. hi mate we have been watering them
    But what I think has happened the light plug got pulled out and they haven't had light for last few nights it's 1st time growing need help bring them back or if they are to far gone
    Pics are there
  6. Ok i would try an revert them to veg if thats the case. Put them back on 18 hours light it may take a couple of weeks to revert them. Have any flowers shown yet ?
  7. No flowers have shown just a few little sprouts
    They have had water but they seem crisp and dried out
  8. Very strange. So no light for a few days but have dried up an gone crispy even tho watered.

    Whats you grow room like? Do you have fans and extraction ? Whats your temps where you live is it hot an humid ?

    It may be some kind of defficiency coupled with lack of light. This is a new one to me im affraid.
  9. Leaving a budding plant in the dark is better then light usually. It doesn't shock it back to veg and ruin your crop.
    Best thing you can do now is resume feeding it and remove any dead leaves in the way of bud sites. They should recover.

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