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  1. #1 tapasr_56b1af8a71385, Feb 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2016
    So I have a bunch of bag seed which all took off well ass you can see but I have 2 femm Lemmon kush seeds the one looks fine but the other one as you can see is looking real mangled any suggestions?
  2. How did it get mangled ? Or is it just growing like that ?

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  3. The bagseeds look fine from the glimpses, but it looks like you put less medium in than the ones you paid for. Did you give them any other special treatment?

    Not sure what the patchy colour on the larger leaves is about. Looks a bit like what would happen if they got a bit of burn from the lights. But the new growth is looking distorted too. To me it's some kind of problem for the roots.

    Is it possible they are overwatered? Is the bottom of your cup actually saturated with water and never dries out? It's ridiculously common. As well as that, are you adding anything that could be bad pH-wise? What's the soil?
  4. Yeah I believe it's over watterd and needed more holes in the cup

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  5. Ph imbalance and that soil needs drainage.
  6. Thankyou^ how can I fix my ph ??

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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