Someone please tell me what's going on with my plant. Looking everywhere and I want to try and fix it. Sorry in advanced if I posted on he wrong forum.Legalize marijuana!
You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. sorry Pm me if you still need help
[quote name="Hellion" post="19369292" timestamp="1390156036"] [background=rgb(243,227,230)]You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.[/background]sorryPm me if you still need help [/quote]Here's the thread Legalize marijuana!
Looks like it was over-watered in the first picture you posted. And the soil, what quality is it? A mate of mine grows in the best soil he can afford, looks fantastic, no huge pieces of bark and debris.
Hey sorry to invade your sticky but I can't figure out how to post my own. I am a medical card holder trying my fist closet grow. I am using a 70 watt mh with 2 40 watt daylight spectrum tubes and a 23 watt cfl on the sides. I have Mylar set up as well, the plant is called pineapple paralyzer. It was already super cropped when I got it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.[attachment=1370960:ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1392011450.890122.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum