
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bhall, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. I have plants inside that are going outside in the next month. they have about 2 to 3 nodes on each and i was wondering if I could stick these in my flowering chamber to determine the sex and kill off the males or if they are too young. The plants are about 3.5 inches tall.

    ANY help is appreciated! :D
  2. I think their to young. Even if they were old enough trying to get a plant that has started its flowering cycle to go back into veg can cause it to hermie or go male. When a plant is big enough to take a cutting from it and clone you can put the clone on a 12/12 light cycle to determine sex.
  3. [quote name='"tplat"']

    I think their to young. Even if they were old enough trying to get a plant that has started its flowering cycle to go back into veg can cause it to hermie or go male. When a plant is big enough to take a cutting from it and clone you can put the clone on a 12/12 light cycle to determine sex.[/quote]

    Ive never gotten male flowers from re vegging a budded plant , just saying
  4. not possible to have a male after it shows its a female, and i'd rather have a hermie than a male anyways so its worth the risk i think.
  5. I think he`s asking about putting them in flowering cycle just long enough to determine sex then put it back in veg well before it starts growing buds. When you do that it does stress the plant, some handle it just fine and some may not and go hermie on you. Now when using non femeized seeds you have a 50/50 shot, males tend to grow faster then females so if you have a plant that is growing a little but slower then others it might be a female but if you stress it enough it can start to go male as a survival trait. All this I was told by a hydro shop owner who also has a degree in horticulture and has been growing pot for a long time. But if it were me I would wait till thier old enough to take some cuttings and clone them then when the clones establish roots put the clone on a 12/12 flowering cycle to determine sex.
  6. I have. Last year we wanted to get a head start on our outdoor grow by vegging some plants inside for a few months. They were getting to big for the starting room so when the flowering room grow was done we moved them in there and I forgot to swap out the timers and they started to flower for about 3 weeks. We went ahead and planted them outside when the weather was good enough and they did kinda go back into veg but also continued to flower. They looked wierd, lots of new veg like growth with continued bud growth. Some also did have little banana shaped like peckers filled with male pollin growing out of some of the buds.

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