help with sprout

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by go2hell2004, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. i planted a seed after soaking it in water for 12 hours and only 24 hours later or so i got a sprout but it doesnt look right to me at all, ive grown a few times in the past and have never had a sprout that looked like this, some1 told me it was because the seed was planted too deep witch made sence at first but the underside of the leaves are red and the stem is thin and red and it keeps growing round leaves, maybe its the genetics or something i dunno, thought id see if any1 can tell me whats up, heres a few pics (last pic is the best) (the sprout's about a week old):

  2. Are you for real, or is this a wind-up?
  3. im like 90% sure it aint weed but defitally thought i should ask around before i pulled it
  4. It could be a weed, but it sure as hell ain't cannabis.
  5. The leaves after the cotyledons are very distinctive, they are thin and pointy with jagged teeth like along the side of the leaf.
  6. that surely aint no mj plant! where did u get the seed from of interest?
  7. street seeds, pre-mature at that, honestly im startin to think the seeds didnt even sprout and thats just something in that soil that sprouted cuz it was super cheap soil
  8. Thats exactly what that is, cause i'm sure you would have planted the seed in the middle of the medium.
  9. Carefully dig up the seed,you can do it 100% successful if you go slow,that plant is something else.
  10. My friend, that looks like a basil sprout. My neighbor plants basil and there's much resemblance to what you have there. Again, I'm no expert so I could be wrong.

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