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Help with small amounts

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Kev45, May 10, 2015.

  1. #1 Kev45, May 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2015
    Hello forum
    I have tried marijuana edibles many times in the past, and they have never worked, little buzz at best. Little while ago, I learned about decarboxylation and made hot pot chocolate by following this recipe by Ruffhouse Studios
    I only used 0.5 grams to do it and I decarbed it 40 mins at 120 Celsius (250 Farenheit), because it didnt turn brown like in the video and after 40 mins it still wasn't brown, just darker green. After I was done, I drank it and started to feel it after 1 hour, and I was really high after 2 hours.
    In scale 5 to 1;
    5 = Uncomfortably high and 1 = Barely feel it, I was somewhere at 4.5 and it lasted about 5 hours which was amazing.
    Now since that hit me so hard, I thought smaller amounts should work too. I can smoke about 0.15 spliff and get around 3-4 on the scale for few hours. Since then I've tried to make cannaoil with 0.2 using BK's recipe (EDIT: I put the oil in the cocoa), but I can barely catch a buzz. I did try the canna cocoa with 0.2 as well, but it didnt work this time. Used same weed with nice buds everytime.
    Is 0.2 just too little? Anyone have clue what the problem might be? Or is just that you have to make big baches and then calculate small dosages from those.
    Thanks in advance =)

  2. Are you trying to split .2 into a whole batch of brownies or something?
  3. 0.1g is the smallest dose that I feel anything at all, it gets me to a 1 on a scale of 1 to 5. My non-toker friends say it gets them to a 3 or 4. If we want to get higher then we take more doses, and/or vape to put us over the top.

    Tolerance is a huge factor with edibles. If you recently ate 0.5g then that is your new tolerance, and you won't feel much from lesser doses unless you take a t break to reset your tolerance. I have friends with high tolerance who need at least 1g edible to get medicated.

    My final word of advice is to make large batches at a time. I can't even imagine going through all the time and effort of BKS recipe for a single 0.2g dose. Making a large batch will ensure consistent results and help you find your perfect dose.
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  4. #4 Kev45, May 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2015
    Oh god no. Just trying to make some cocoa. I tried to put the canna oil into to the cocoa, as I've heard that canna oil can be just put into basically anything and that would be easier to dose in to cocoa, than always make marijuana infused milk, because milk doesnt stay fresh as long as the oil.
    Yeah, I suspected something like that too, but it doesnt make sense, that I can smoke small amount but eat the same amount and feel barely anything. I mean, in theory smoking should be lot more wasteful than eating, so I should get higher from eating the same amount than smoking. Unless theres different tolerance for smoking and eating. I still probably just try to take a t-break for 2 weeks to see if that impacts the edibles and maybe 1 gram batch next time making cannaoil.
  5. Smoking and eating are different drugs due to liver conversion so it is totally possible to have separate tolerances for each. :)
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  6. I totally agree, if i wake up and have a nice edible I can be at a 3-4 on the scale mostly all day, when i come down later on i smoke and it feels like I didn't smoke all day and I get ripped. The same goes for if I smoke all day and I'm burnt out by 2pm, i stop smoking for the day and eat an edible and I'm good till the next day. I mix it up and it keeps both tolerances down. It's honestly like two different drugs.

    "How something appears is always a matter of perspective"

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