Help with my plant!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Roee, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Hi, I do not know what is going on, but my seedling is not really growing. I have been putting it under a 125W LED light, and I have been feeding it 12 N 6P 6K water mix, and it dosen't really grown. there is a white tips on the small second true leaves sets. I dont know what to do.
  2. Oh, ok. Well will the white spot go away? And when will it actually starts to grow. or it just doing its roots growth?

  3. I germinated Sept 19... planted sept 21.
  4. Sure
  5. Couple things first how far away do you have your light the second is what type of soil and how much water are you giving it

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  6. I wait 3 weeks before I give my seedlings nutrients then I only give it half nutrients

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  7. Ok, so I have them pretty close up... in a closed basement, temp fair, humidity idk. I am using miracle grow potting soil, I give it watering once pair a week.

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  9. I am starting to give it plain water.. and I dont have a weaker solution tyah 12N 6P 6K
  10. Yeah back off on the nutrients plus it looks like your way over watering it keep it moist not drenched.

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  11. ok,wat are you suggesting to do.. wait? a couple of more days? Wwhat temperature is is it suppose to be? and
  12. Also, when can I add micro nutreints, such as calcluim and zinc and stuff like that; minerals?
  13. I've grown seedlings in the dark because I forgot about them for days they've grown three inches lol. Seedlings don't need anything but love. Keep them moist.

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  14. I know Tender love and care? So should I keep them under light, or have them be in total darkness?
  15. Sometimes they start out very slow depending on temperatures. Rockwool cubes are the best way to start seedlings in or moist wet paper towel inside a ziplock bag.

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  16. I meant my soon to be vegetative cannabis plant...

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