Help with meter choice?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by mercury, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Im looking to buy a Ph meter, possibly a combo meter, but there are TONS! im on a budget, so keep that in mind, anyone able to reccomend a cost-effective meter?
  2. any tester from Milwaukee is good
  3. #3 ggmallow, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2009
    I will second that, Id be lost with out my digital Milwaukee ph51(I believe that's my model) it works great I rarely need to calibrate and it stays accurate(I still test it). As far as cost I paid 50 for mine locally and I didn't think that was unreasonable with how much time and hassle it has saved me. They make a variety of meters check em out!
  4. I have a Control Wizard 24/7 monitor, best choice if you have one res. It's cheap and stays accurate.
  5. damn dude since when is $180 "cheap"
  6. i have the ph-55 from milwaukee, it's got a temperature probe on it too that automatically adjusts readings from different temperatured samples. it seems to be dead-nuts and is very easy to use.
  7. HI98129 by Hanna, reads ph/ppm/ec/temp. Got it for around $100 and absolutely no problems, probably the best meter Ive used in a while and you wont ever need to replace it(unless you crush it or something.) Whats your budget? Cheap for some people is $20 while for others it could be $200 so you gotta give us more detail for better answers.

    I would definately go with Hanna or Milwaukee for a meter, Truncheon is good too but from what I remember they're a pretty pricey and one only test pH while the other only tests ec/ppm.

    Shop around and let us know which ones your looking into!


  8. im trying to keep it under 100, and i have an EC meter already, but am gonna need a PH/ppm meter im sure of it.... was thinking of the control wizard but not sure.....
  9. General Hydroponics pH test kit. About $6

    Takes seconds to use, doesn't require calibration and there's enough in the bottle that it'll last you for years.
  10. Search the internet like ebay and craigslist, you can usually find a pretty good deal on a used or refurbished one. Theres a ton of ph/ppm meters you can get for under $100 just make sure you get one that measures in ppm(million) rather than the ppt(thousand) ppm is what you want because its alot more accurate, it measures in millionths rather than thousandths. Dont forget calibration solution, youll need it down the road and you can usually save a few bones by buying it at the same time.
  11. Look at the other 24/7 monitors. I got mine for 150.

  12. Where did you pick up the HI98129 for $100? I can't find that for a dime under $170. Im also looking for a ph/ppm/temp meter but want to stay under $100. Eventually I will get the 24/7 but the budget is short right now...


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