So, I did a few tweaks for my computer, that are susposed to free memory from programs faster, and it works a little, but not for firefox. Even after closing firefox, it still takes up my memory for a good portion of time(not super long in real-life, but super long in computer terms). Is there a way I can get it to release the memory it was using back into the free memory pool quicker or more efficently? I only have 1.5 gig of RAM (shitty computer, slowly buying band-aid parts that are worth it until I get enough for a real one), and right now I've got 20% free. Any ideas
I've got chrome, opera, and firefox. Both chrome and opera blow firefox away. I've been a long time firefox user, and like the customization that has yet reached other browsers. I have all three because I like to stay with firefox, but chrome is nice and light which can be great. Another problem I have is the stored passwords. I have to look for a way to transfer them all, and google's password manager sucks, because it doesn't exist.
Yea, I've got that. Along with comodo and winutilities, the three always find something different, so I run one after another to make sure I don't miss anything.
Try this. Go to run>msconfig>startup tab. You can disable everything if you'd like. It will still load all your drivers, but it keeps a lot of the bullshit from starting up everytime you start your pc. I'd recommend keeping your anti-virus on your startup, however.
Even on 1.5 Gig of Memory, Firefox should run fine...are you sure it isn't anything else? Also when running Flash, it tends to be a memory hog.
It's all those damn addons. It starts out small but before you know it you have 20+ addons and startup lasts for over a minute.