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Help with bud. (Troubles)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DankaliciousDJ, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. So, like during the summer like 1 month ago i got caught with bud, and my bong. :(
    So my parents told the cops that lived near me and he came over the next morning. He said that not to do it again or else i'll be put in juvenile jail the next time he finds out, and he might drug test me. but its been past the date he was suppose to because he just let me off i think? put the point is should i keep smoking cause i want to, i just dont know what to do.
  2. lol...
  3. juvenile jail?

    have fun playing the skin flute in the banned
  4. blaze on man. lol. actually i would probably chill for a while to see if anything happens.
  5. Tell that cop to fuck off, and when you turn 18, move out..
  6. ight thanks my dude.
  7. no dude hes a seasoned smoker
  8. hell yea.
  9. yep, and i live in the east coast so marijuana is illegal in the east.
  10. idk, i was high that day, i think thats what he said lol
  11. He meant for this forum. You have to be 18 to join this forum. Meaning you are going to get banned, pretty soon.

    edit: If you are underage.
  12. btw, i've been waiting a whole month to smoke, cant wait any longer. but to stay outta trouble i do this.
  13. oh i see thiss. ima bout to get the fuck outta here anywayz
  14. peace out bros

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