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Help with bong!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by killermarmoset, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. I have a new bowl and the holes are on the side and not in the bottom. Why?
  2. I'm confused... But you may be talking about the carb?
  3. If it's the downstem it would be cause it's diffused which makes your rips quieter, idk what tho if itts the bowl!
  4. #5 SwichOne, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2011
    it is for oil.....u put a dab down in the bowl and light it with a heated glass wand. The holes are on the side so the oil wont just melt through....
  5. I wish people who say bowl referring to a spoon would just call it a spoon. When people say bowl I think of a bowl on a bong.

  6. i believe he was referring to a bowl for a bong.
  7. It was a bong bowl for oil
  8. [quote name='"overheatedmud"']I wish people who say bowl referring to a spoon would just call it a spoon. When people say bowl I think of a bowl on a bong.[/quote]

    More people call then bowls in my experience spoon just sounds wrong
  9. [quote name='"Shablagoo"']

    More people call then bowls in my experience spoon just sounds wrong[/quote]

    I call slides bowls. I also often call a filled piece (regardless of piece) a bowl. Like I'm going to smoke a bowl.

    So calling spoon pipes bowls just makes little sense to me. Spoon makes the most sense to me.

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