Help with a Bong Downstem

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by smoke&mirrors, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. So I have a little red bong (sorry no pics at the moment) and I would like to buy a new downstem for it. The bowl in it right now is one of those weird angled, almost funnel style, and it has a huge hole in the bitch so I have to use one of those shitty glass screens that always falls out. Id like to grab a new slider to modernize the bong without having to buy a whole new one. Theres nothing wrong with it, just the bowl is stupid.

    Is there a certain type of slider that I should be looking into? I dont smoke bongs often im more of a Pipe / Joint guy and I dont want to grab a piece that wont work for the bong.

    If you guys need pics I can upload some later, I know its hard to imagine what Im saying without seeing the shit.


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