Help Sick Plant Pics Inside!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by nicerear420, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. help all my leaves are turing brown and how long does it take to bud? any help would be nice

    Attached Files:

  2. nute lockout, overfert or overheat.
  3. agree

    question........did the brown leaves go fast or has this been gradual, when did you last fert
  4. im not too sure but i think this could be over or maybe under watering?
  5. can you anaswer these questions, and how can you tell what the problem is whn you cant see it, but can you post better pictures?

    thats not nute lockout i can tell you that

    What STRAIN are you growing?
    What was the establishing technique?
    (seed or clone?)
    What is the age of your plants?
    What PHASE
    (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
    What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
    What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
    What substrate/medium are you using? (percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
    What Nutrient's are you using? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
    What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
    What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
    What method of pH test was administered?
    When was your last water?
    When was your last feeding?
    What size bulb are you using?
    What is the distance to the canopy?
    What is your RH Factor?
    (Relative Humidity)
    What is the canopy temperature?
    What is the Day/Night Temp?
    (Include fluctuation range)
    What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
    Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
    Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
    Is your water HARD or SOFT?
    Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
    Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
    Are plant's infected with pest's?

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