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Help? Pneumonia wont let me absorb THC.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by MadamGanja, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. I use pot to control the symptoms of my PTSD. Meaning without it I have to deal with extreme depression and panic attacks. I'm an everyday medical smoker. I have pneumonia right now and it seems the fluid in my lungs is too thick to allow me to absorb what I need from regular herb smoke or vapor. I don't know what to do. Being sick and cooped up and alone makes it all the more worse, and I'm tired of tears. Suggestions? Someone thought hash might he potent enough for me to get something from since a j to my face does nothing. I shouldn't be smoking, I know, but my sanity is most important so please don't comment saying to take a break. If you do, you're as unable to put yourself in my shoes as my boyfriend.
  2. Edibles seems like the best option here :) Hope your better soon
  3. Edibles, maybe a nice tincture. I like having tincture around even if I can smoke, just a nice option to have. Easier to dose with tincture than a straight up edible too. Vegetable glycerin makes a nice, sweet tincture and I highly recommend it over alcohol or anything else.
  4. As mentioned by the other posts, , tinctures and edibles would be the way to go here. And you are right, your mental health\\stability is extremely important. Avoid smoking because of the water in your lungs, but edibles ought to take care of you nicely. Get better.
  5. Thank you. I just got put on a steroid, inhaler, and a stronger antibiotic so hopefully I'll start feeling better. From what I've heard it takes a decent amount of bud to make butter to cook with or to make tea. Is that true?
  6. Typically yeah it takes a halfway decent amount of herb to make some good edibles. But you are medical, are you in an area where dispensaries could sell you some edibles?
  7. Ehh. Not really. Central Maine. Closest one is like a 45min drive.
  8. Then my advice to you would be to check out the other threads on baking edibles. There is a lot of good info there. Best of luck!
  9. The difference between using bud and oil for a cold is almost incomparable. I love taking low temp dabs of good dewaxed shatter when I'm sick. It expands my lungs and makes it either to breathe. The same cannot be said about smoking bud. It's painful to smoke when you're sick and could quite possibly make your pnemonia worse. At minimum, use a vaporizer. You cannot afford to irritate and mess up your lungs with pnemonia. If you cannot use concentrates make strong edibles. In my opinion I find edibles to be as similar price or slightly cheaper than smoking if you make a good extraction.

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