So i started growing a little plant from bagseed and got a nice little seed to germinate very quickly. I planted it and within a day it had sprouted. The problem is that it is stretching very quicky and isnt growing any new leaves. Its "baby" leaves as i like to call the which are the two round ones that it has first are growing very fast. I need better lights but im still a little concerned by the way its growing. The stem is almost 4 inches now and it still only has its two little leaves. Any help/advice would be great. Thanks guys.
That stretch you're talking about is due to LACK of light... what are you using??? CFLs?? Make sure you get bulbs that say daylight for veg and have at very least 32watt of the stuff on your baby... More the better... Streching is the plants way of re-adjusting to get light... Remember... daylight CFLs!
Exactly!! Whatever light you are providing is not nearly strong enough, close enough, or both. If you kind of fell into this like I did, consider going CFL. Homedepot sells these, which you can use in standard flexible desk lamp lights that wal-mart sells for 8 bucks. Get at least 1 now and you will want 3-4 later on: ... ... Notice these are 27 watt (actual wattage) "daylight" bulbs: ... ... ... ... ... ... These pictures are from a while ago but you will notice in the second picture that my stem is pretty long because at first I was using a standard 60 watt light bulb out of desperation before I did my research and got my act together.
Alright thanks guys, i will defenatly look into some better lighting, i have plenty of seeds so maybe this one will go down the drain, but hey, its a learning experiance. Thanks for the help.
I wouldn't, keep it! It's not the plants fault that you don't have enough lighting! That could be your girl dude
Remember light degrades with distance,lights intensity is inversly proportional to the square of its distance.SO,even a small CFL is adequate with tiny plants if it can be put at 1-2" with a good reflector and a fan to keep it cool and strengthen it.What distance was it and was there a reflector?Now,add some straws or some way to keep it from falling over and add wind during lights on only.Young plants using BIG lighting is really just a waste unless you have a sog and then lights need to be far away when young and lowered slowly.