Help please

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Cmc123, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. So I have zero idea what is causing my plant leaves to look like this. Any help would be awesome. Thank you

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  2. Looks like it could be too moist of soil to much water possibly need more info.
  3. Water on leaves possibly need better pics
  4. Just watered yesterday and this started happening so that could be it.
  5. Can water getting on the leaves cause this? Some did get on the plants when I watered them yesterday. I’ll take some more when I get home from work
  6. Depends on the intensity of the light but absolutely
  7. I’d guess soil is to packed and overwatered
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  8. water or light i think. small plants in soil dont even need run off you just lightly water them and kinda guess how much they need and double it a week later ish keeping an eye on how fast the soil is drying and if you need to water more/more frequently. once its established it wont matter as much

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  9. It’s kind of hard to judge because the only color you see is purple so you can’t see the colors of the leaves, which can be a clue about what might be happening.

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