HELP plants have stopped growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ryansmokes7, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone, i'm gonna make this quick.
    Basically i had my plants in cups for a long time, basically until they stopped growing. they grew at different intervals and the tallest one was probably about 1foot.
    Anyways, so 3 of the plants i moved into a foresty area (spot A) ( but in a clearing with approximated 6-8 hours of sunlight. And another spot (spot B) with about 8 hours or more of sunlight aswell. All plants look completely healthy, i dug holes in the ground, used a mix of compost and bagsoil my dad had. 
     Spot A: After a week, one plant was dug up :cry:( by an animal) , the other two had not grown more than a few inches. I topped one of them and two branches are starting to come out ( 1-3 inches), that plant is around 1 1/2 feet but not growing at a proper rate. The other remaining one has also not grown very much and it is also smaller. 
    Spot B: The plant is not growing upward but seems to want to branch out alot. It also seems to be in early budding stages ( it is just over a foot ), it is covered in white hairs and fan leaves and close in leaves are starting to produce crystals. 
    Both are getting adequate water and sunlight. I figured if they were in shock they would be out of it right now. Is there any nutrient or something that I could use to give to them? As i previously mentioned, they all seem to be healthy, just no growth.
    I can post pictures upon request. But that would mean going to take pictures and im not all for that  :D 


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