Help my plant is dying

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by gregwilliams, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Hey guys so I found this plant about a week ago and I dug it up and put it in a pot with just some potting soil from Walmart and now it looks like it's gonna die can anyone tell me what I can do to save it?[​IMG]

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  2. It's probably just shock from the transplant. I think that you're best bet is to pay close attention to watering so that it's not saturated and not dry then just be patient and see how it goes. Keep a gentle breeze on it.
  3. that's not good soil man
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  4. Kinda wondering why you uprooted a baby you saw growing naturally rather than aiding its growth..

    "The world is in your hands,
    Mine are in the dirt."
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  5. The new green growth in the middle looks good. Just give it some time it should be fine. Keep a close eye on it.
  6. Thanks guys it seems to be doing a lot better now

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  7. Can you guys recommend a good fertilizer to use for outdoor plants I have 6 more small plants that I'm trying to grow but they seem like they aren't growing as fast as they should be

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