help my plant is dying lots of pics... first grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by thisisfunny, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. #1 thisisfunny, Sep 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2011
    my friend just gave me this plant and i dont know too much about growing. the plant looked liked this when i got it but it was in a 3gal plot so i took it out of there and transplanted it into the ground. is there anything i can do to help it out or anything? also how much time do you think is left untill i will be able to harvest it?

  2. weres the pic? lol
  3. sorry just updated cause it would let me post with the pics so i just put them there now
  4. If you don't know that plant is ready, then you ARE funny...
  5. im pretty sure it is not ready because the buds have not formed
  6. it needs another two years. and plenty of arsenic.
    Who, Me, jealous?!
  7. i came here for help not sarcasm
  8. It finished itself because you stressed it by moving it while it was flowering. I don't see a single white hair on it, do you? Yes, there are small bud formations once you cut around all that leaf. I suggest you read about harvesting procedures before venturing on this alone. With no more white pistols, it's definitely not going to be quality bud or grow any thicker. The plant's pistols are meant to be fertilized when they're white. They're no more so it's beyond ready. I'm sure you do not want to hear this, but your plant is as ready as it gets. Better luck next time...
  9. I se white pistals all over.

    Transplant shock. Just let it go and see what happens. Keep the soil wet and the plant shaded for a few days if you can.
  10. looks aboot ready to me.

  11. thanks for the advice i will try that
  12. i agree. im a beleiver in superthrive and id give her a good dose of it to help with the shock of transplanting:cool:

    maybe get a pocket microscope so that you can tell when it is ready in the future:smoke:
    good luck! keep us updated

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