I usually wear ambercrombie and shit...... but i dont really wanna wear any of that anymore..... doesn't really express who i am... anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking of getting just bob marley, sublime, hendrix shirts.... but i dont wanna just be that dude thats all like "HEY LOOK AT ME, I SMOKE WEED!" every time i go to pac sun i feel like im gonna have a seasure the way it is now... with everything so SHARP EDGES BRIGHT COLORS CRAZY PATTERNS!
You gotta find yourself man. I wore alot of Abercrombie mainly cause I worked there wayyyy back. Now I kinda just wear whatever catches m fancy, but a classic plain t-shirt and some nice jeans is my look.
i personally wear skater clothes like basically tight jeans and vans or lakai with like a tye dye shirt or alienworkshop or habitat but a couple of bob shirts. u can try some of that i find it very comfortable but for some reason ppl kno i smoke weed .=] maybe it has to do with the smell of weed as i walk into class all baked =]
id go with super tight black nuthugger jeans unbuttoned flannel shirt, maybe a red/yellow plaid? (chest hair needed) converse some of those colorful trendy shades and one of those cool hat thingys bam, new you
Fuck PacSun. www.swell.com or www.tactics.com have MUCH better assortments from brand slike volcom, rvca, billabong, obey
its like you kno me personally except i dong grow chest hair but i wear a white shirt under and no converse for me vans will do
nice jeans, on the more fitted side, not too baggy, and a shirt i find nice...some band shirts, or just wierd designs and white uptowns. ive been rocking this thick banded Fender watch recently too. PS: i wore an abercrombie shirt today and was self consious about it all day...hate that brand...
Start rocking some Lrg, if you havent heard of it check it out its sweet as hell, some awesome urban gear!
why would you wear anything thats not comfortable? fuck all this trend stuff, just wear some clothes. the clothes dont make the person, the person makes the clothes know what i mean,. i rock two tees that match my shoes. yadadamayyn.
i haven't changed underwear or showered in two days if you want to still wear polos and shit but not have the moose or logos on it... find a company that makes pique polos without an emblem, i know old navy does this otherwise... i mean... like, wear t-shirts and jeans and shorts and stuff... i don't see what the problem is