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Help Me Out Plz

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SharpShooter89, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. These are two 2wk old plants I have and I'm wondering if its common to have yellowing on newer growing leaves. The first true sets of leaves are green. I know most yellowing comes from a lack of nitrogen. Pics included... 1370278571552.jpg 1370278644241.jpg
  2. You need to add a lot more info

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  3. Far as what? They're both in sunlight during the day and inside at night. Used some recommended potting soil. No ferts or nutes. Just natural growing. Watered probably 2-3 times a week or as needed.
  4. Well the yellowing doesnt look like the main issue, they look pretty small for two week old. So what is your ph in and out, the npk of your soil? How many hours of light are they getting? Did you put perlite in the soil? Are they out door or on a window ledge? What pot size are you using? Purely out of interest what strain of bid are you growing mate?

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  5. I'm not quite sure what's wrong with them. I'm thinking my lighting schedule is off. The newer leaves just recently started coming in. At first they were green, that's how I noticed them but then I checked them today and they were that bright yellow. I have more pics if it'll help you help me.
  6. #6 Old School Smoker, Jun 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2013
    *dials number on cell phone*
     Hello 6 oclock news?
     This danbridge calling. We have a defcon 1 situation. It appears that a grower saw a little bit of yellowing on the 2nd set of leaves and that sparked my sarcasm.
    The 2nd set?
    Yes the 2nd set.
    LOL sorry for my sarcasm. It's nothing to worry about it is normal. keep an eye on the plant, but let it get older. Its a weed it can go through hell and still yeild bud.
    Ok mr. Danbridge we shall send in the army national reserve to investigate. Thank you for this info.
    You're welcome . Goodbye.
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  7. What do you put them under when you bring them in? Thats only 12 hours of light outside and is it actually sunny for the whole time? You should add extra perlite for more drainage anyway but you can do that when you transplant. The ph is really important as like you said it could be nitrogen dif but that might not be caused by lack of nitrogen it could be because the plant can't absorb the nitrogen due to the ph being off

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  8. Ha does a huge dose of sarcasm cure yellowing of the leaves? If so you should be ok hahaha

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  9. Lmfao!! That was great!! :smoking: I needed that laugh.
  10. Here are some more pics. I just took these about an hour ago and made another discovery. Fucking spider mites. I thought it was little dirt particles that may have gotten blown around by the wind. Damn!!! image.jpg image.jpg
  11. Minus your bug problem, they are fine. Relax and let us know when they are actually yellow.[​IMG]
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  12.  Did you check the under side of the leaves with a 30X pocket scope or jewelers loupe to see if you have spider mites?
  13. #13 5150, Jun 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2013
    2 weeks old and small. Why? packed soil. No perlite. Soil is caked not letting roots grow. MJ likes Loamy soil.  Not sure on your yellowing. Let me look at my chart. 
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  14. dope chart, i want it on a tshirt lol
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  15. Lmfao!!!! Only you tweakz..
    I didn't check with a "30x pocket scope or jewelers loupe", but I seen them on the top AND under my main first true leaves. I pretty much took my thumb and pointer finger and wiped them off. Woke up this morning and checked one of my plants and besides the scraggly webbing they left behind, I don't see anymore black dots... I don't mind taking more pics if needed... to better help you help me... :smoking:
  16. I would check the under side of the leaves with a 30X scope to make sure if you have them or not. Were the black dots on the tops of the leaves? Like spider mites their poop is so small you need a 30X pocket scope to see it and they don't poop on the tops of the leaves they poop on the bottom of the leaves where they feed. If you catch spider mites early on they are much easier to deal with, once they get settled in they are hard to get rid of or keep under control. I deal with spider mites every year outdoors and on rare occasions indoors. But the first sign of spider mite damage isn't poop or webbing its tiny white dots on the top of the leaves. I just don't see much in your pics that shows spider mite damage that's why I`m asking if your sure its spider mites. The only times I have seen spider mite webbing on plants was when it was an infestation on a neighbors plant. Its best to catch them early on because female spider mites can lay eggs every 3 days and they hatch every 3 days so they can spread fast and do a lot of damage in a short time especialy on small plants.
  17. You're soil doesn't look like it has enough aeration (perlite) and you are overwatering. Plants that small don't need water 2-3 times a week. And I bet you're watering the pot to drain. Just give them enough so that they may grow. Water to drain after the plants are well established. Water logged soil with immature root systems and poor aeration is devoid of oxygen. Roots need oxygen.

    Over-watering is the #1 way noobs f'up their grows.
  18. Please wait till the plant gets older before you start screaming about yellowing leaves. It's a weed. It may pull out of its color phase. Please do not treat it like rocket science unless you are growing to win the high times cannabis cup. Thank you!
  19. So should I just let the soil dry up and just mist the plants with a spray bottle? I was going to do that originally (just water when the soil is super dry but mist the plants) when I first started but my mom insisted on watering them like they're her full grown roses!! (Told her they were tomato plants lmfao)
  20. Haha!! Yeah I know!! But seeing as though I'm here, I'm eager to be in the flowering phase cause that's the most interesting part. So yeah I get impatient and with that comes the thoughts that it's taking too long because I'm doing something wrong so I begin to speculate and ASSUME something is wrong. Then I see pictures of some plants at 2wks and be like wtf?? Why aren't mine like that. So I post questions. All it is for me is reassurance from you guys, that say you know what you're doing. If you're gonna label me a "noob" I'm gonna live up to that name but along the way, I'm gonna ask questions. Repeatedly sometimes lol. But that's how I'll learn. Trial and error;-) :smoking: BLOW ONE!!!
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