this a MALE?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by rickyrichardo, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. I appreciate in advance all those that take the time to help me out here!....not sure if this is a male or not....been vegging for about 3.5 weeks now....this plant is 2-2.5 times larger than the rest! IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5201.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5200.JPG IMG_5208.JPG IMG_5205.JPG IMG_5204.JPG IMG_5202.JPG IMG_5201.JPG


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  2. That is 100% male. Kill it or separate them...
  3. Yes sir

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