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Help how to get rid of red eyes

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WeedIsYummy, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. I forgot my eyedrops and my eyes are really red and people can't know I'm high are there any ways I could fix this???
  2. ...they won't know your high unless you tell them.....tell'em your sick.
  3. Drink a beer and say you had a couple drinks, i dont get red eyes with weed but i do with alcohol.

    Or just deny.
  4. I've heard that caffeine will shrink the blood vessels in your eyes so I'm trying that
  5. That makes sence, i drink a lot of coffee.
  6. If I were to smoke again today do you think my eyes would still get red?
  7. eyedrops

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