HELP guerilla grow Florida

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by flgrower40, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Hi! This is my first attempt to grow and I definitely need some help. I'm going to be growing some bag seed so I'm not sure of the strain. Currently I'm at day 12 and 2 of my plants are showing signs of some fungus ? Or maybe a pest [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] all of these are being grown in small pots currently that I just a small pit in the ground to make it level mostly for stealth purposes . If anyone has any ideas about the spots please let me know
  2. You do know that Florida is going to have quite a cold front coming,I'm in south Florida and they say it will get in the 30's where I the growth will be stunted. I have 2 plants going as an experiment in the middle of my yard and the last cold snap we just had slowed them down but this week it warmed up and they started growing more. Just wanted to see what would grow with the time of year and the month of January is not the month you want to start in ....but they are growing!
    I'll go out and snap a pic. Not sure about your spots don't look that bad to me

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  3. ^ Second that. You don't want those in the ground before the last freeze....
  4. I'd bring then inside under a Lil light for a few weeks and take them back out. A cfl bulb or two will work well enough
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  6. If you can't bring them inside then you need to cover them with something to keep them warm when the temps get down at night.
  7. What would you recommend covering them with
  8. One more thing. It would probably be in your best interest to cover any night that is going to be a little bit cold ( below 60 ) not just freezing temps. A plant that young is more susceptible to harm from the cold and hypothetically one cold night could do you in. Not to scare you, but you will have to stay on your toes.
  9. Can anyone tell me if that is powdery mildew

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  10. If growing outside here if Florida I'm not to sure if you have to worry about powdery mold you need to be on the look out for leaf miners and leaf hoppers and spiders.... when I did my first grow outside last year I took a random reg seed and planted it. It was a female and grew nicely with me watering everyday and MG feed once a week(now I cropped her 1-2 months too early,as I was total newb) but the plant dried and cured gave almost 7 oz....if let grow longer would have been like 10-12 oz I'm sure.... but the reason for the post I had no big pest problems just a few leaf miners!

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  12. [​IMG] does anyone know why she's drooping like this
  13. #16 flgrower40, Feb 13, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
  14. [​IMG]
    They're loving their new home
  15. I fimmed the healthiest plant [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Already seeing way more growth at the nodes and it's the stem is getting a lot thicker
  16. The cold that we got a couple of times has stunted th growth of my just test seeds and my chickens scratched them up ...but forgot to take pics they are old but look like they are newly growing

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