Help growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Couldnotthinkofusername, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. #1 Couldnotthinkofusername, Mar 30, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
    Can i start a seedling in a pot??
    I had 2 plants in cups but my dumb ass screwed up on staking them, as the stem was growing way faster then the leaves. And if so any tips to prevent high root growth, just keep them short.
    Was thinking of starting new seeds but is it fine to start them in a pot?
  2. That was my first attempt ever growing by the way and it went terrible.
  3. The reason your seedlings grew that way is because you had the light source too far away from the plant and the plant "stretched" or is stretching to get to it. That's what happens when you have a light source that is too weak to adequately grow the plant. Bring your light closer to the plant and it will stop that from happening. From start to finish...once you get a young tender plant rooted in and stable, light is the most important thing in an indoor grow. The more you have of it, especially during the flower cycle, the better harvest you get. But to stop stretching, bring light and plant closer together. Most new growers kill seedlings or new plants with over watering. First off, you need a grow media (soil) that is very very VERY light and arid. The formulated grow soils (which I highly recommend if you are serious about growing a plant) are so arid that unless you water very slowly, it just dumps through the soil and out into the drain pan....thus, the watering VERY slowly. You don't want a mix that holds any water purposely as these plants don't like constant wet roots. You ALWAYS...not matter at what point in the plant's life, allow them to dry out to nearly dead dry before you water again. Also, new growers think that nutes are the thing that grows them a big plant. Nutes are just plant food and if you grow in a soil of any quality at all, they will not come into play until WAY on down the line. We use no extra nutes at all...simply our soil (Roots Organics Original). No need for them. We're getting around 5 oz per plant after cure right now, so you can get a fine harvest from a plant IF you have adequate lighting to flower it. Sounds like you need to spend some time educating yourself about this plant and how to take care of it. If you can't keep it alive, you'll never get a harvest. LOL Best of luck. TWW

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