So I'm using ffof mixed with 50% perlite for my seedling germinating now I'm using a 150 hps light how far should I have it when it breaks the soil an should I but it under the light before it breaks the soil?
Use your hand as a warming gage; hot to the touch probably not good. Should actually be an inch above leaves...but you have to be careful with the heat.Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk
[quote name="ShaggyGreen" post="19389964" timestamp="1390452744"]Use your hand as a warming gage; hot to the touch probably not good. Should actually be an inch above leaves...but you have to be careful with the heat.Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk[/quote]Do not put your HPS an inch away or you will fry the plants. WTF?start with it about a foot away and go from there.Back of hand is a good way for when they get a little bigger.Mj old Hippies Organic Garden.
What's your thought on the lighting before it sprouts? What's your thought on the lighting before it sprouts?
It doesn't require light before it breaks ground but it won't hurt, the heat may even be beneficial. As soon as it comes up it does need it. you need a small fan for it too.Mj old Hippies Organic Garden.
first you should go get yourself a metal halide instead of a hps for now so you can veg for a couple weeks. Using a hps during this time will make brances stretchy and may have to do some tying up later on during flower time. So metal halide for veg and seed, hps for flower As far as for height, with a hps at that low of wattage i would get it as close to plant as possible without buring the top. just gotta see what your limit is.
Thanks for all the input I'm using the hps for the whole thing I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="Big cloud" post="19391530" timestamp="1390485282"]Thanks for all the input I'm using the hps for the whole thing I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]That will do fine Big Cloud I look forward to your pics.Mj old Hippies Organic Garden.
[quote name="marvajuana" post="19391744" timestamp="1390489526"]That will do fine Big Cloud I look forward to your pics.Mj old Hippies Organic Garden.[/quote]Ya not a fan of cfl. Thanks I appreciate it I'm sure I'm going to need you help down the roadSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="bongboi" post="19392040" timestamp="1390493301"]usefulp.s. 150w is only hps 250w is hps or mh[/quote]Ya that is verySent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Another question do you guys no of an forums or websites that tell you the needs of specific strains Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Sorry I'm getting here alittle late lol. Did you germ it in a paper towel before you planted it? Or did you go straight to the soil. Well any who you can give it water but don't soak it. Just make the soil alittle moist and when and if it pops hopefully it does. The same rule applies don't soak it or no if and or buts about it your plant will die. I'm not hating on any of the info acouple of the people gave you but just ask someone on here that you know is very knowledgeable about growing before you go out on a limb and do it. I'm on here mostly all the time helping people. If you can't get me hopefully you can get Snoop or marvajuana to help you. Oh and last but not leasy GOOD Luck Broski.
[quote name="droski456" post="19397967" timestamp="1390575569"]Sorry I'm getting here alittle late lol. Did you germ it in a paper towel before you planted it? Or did you go straight to the soil. Well any who you can give it water but don't soak it. Just make the soil alittle moist and when and if it pops hopefully it does. The same rule applies don't soak it or no if and or buts about it your plant will die. I'm not hating on any of the info acouple of the people gave you but just ask someone on here that you know is very knowledgeable about growing before you go out on a limb and do it. I'm on here mostly all the time helping people. If you can't get me hopefully you can get Snoop or marvajuana to help you. Oh and last but not leasy GOOD Luck Broski.[/quote]Ya germinated with paper towels.. An that's what I did jus alil water I hope it sprouts to thanks for help will probably need more help later on Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
No problem man I check in here on the site usually every hour or 2 unless I'm busy. But at the moment I don't have shit to do lmao I'm off work all weekend. So ill be popping in to check on any questions you might have if someone answers before me they answer before me there's tons of blades on here I'm not the only vet on here by no means lol. But if u happen to have a question and nobody has answered it by the time im on here ill help you out. Or hell you can get my number through a private message if you want to just incase there is nobody to help. But most of the time there is but its just a matter of how long it is till they check in on your thread.