Help finding specific bong

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by F4LL3NH3ART, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. I need a bong that can fit a 16.5cm 18mm diffuser and have a weedstar double showerhead pre-cool without it tipping over, But I'm having alot of trouble finding anything that looks stable enough,
    Thanks and happy toking :)
  2. Alrighty then
  3. You'll need something with some weight and a large base.
  4. I figured, But it's rather hard for me to guess without physically assembling it infront of myself to see if it will fall over or not, which is why I'm looking for help, any suggestions guys? The chamber is pretty heavy, atleast 1-2kgs without water
  5. get something with a beaker base. those are the coolest.
  6. I want a beaker base for sure! I'm just having trouble finding one big enough for my 16.5cm down stem D:

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