HELP - Final Stages Of Curing?! NEARLY DRY :D

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by MarquisGemini, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Hey guys.

    I am a LOVER of weed, and instead of charging my mates out the nose, I buy it in bulk of a very old friend from school and hand it out exactly what I pay for it. And he only works with me :) we are humble, but unfortunately his wife is not LOL

    She demanded that I take the bud last night due to some MASSIVE bills, it is LITERALLY like 90-95% dry!! ALL I can really feel is resin when I squeeze the bud, not moisture or anything, but I imagine the stem still needs drying on the inside. It is VERY fluffy, mature as FUCK, ALL the leafs on it are healthy - I do not believe there is any risk of mould from this plant :)

    Right now I have it sitting in 2 black garbage bags, in a dry dark place.

    Am I doing the right thing?

    Should I spread it out over a table for a few hours?

    I have read that the way I am doing it will work better as far as curing goes, PLEASE advise!!!
  2. I find this story very unlikely and honestly it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
  3. Yeah, thread makes no sense. You guys both grew? You buy some from somebody? Hand out your own pot that you bought to your friends..?....

    Did I even get close on that?
  4. No. He buys it in bulk from his friend so he gets a good price. Then he does not jack up the price for his friends he sells it to them for what he got it for. So his dude wants him to buy pounds of almost dry bud, he wants to know how he should dry it.
  5. Goto Home Depot target or grocery store and look for brown paper lawn waste bags they are cheap, then go to a grocery store and buy at least 10 packs of 100 brown paper lunch bags like when you were a kid. Shred the lunch bags and put down a layer of shredded lunch bag in your large brown paper yard waste bag, then a layer of bud repeat till done fold off the top and place in a cool dry dark place. Turn the bud at least once a day until done. It should not take more than 3 days if its really 90-95% cured already.

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