help cant figure out ph when adding nutes?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by youblee, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. i making nutes for my plants i take 4 gallons and i add 15 ml of nutes to my water. because 4 gallons is 15 liters. and my nutes say add 1 ml/ per lirer vegging and 2ml/ per liter for flowering early tranmisson.
    using humbolt nutes
    but my question is my bluelight truncheon automatic ph tester says the water is 2 pm when its tap. after i added my nutes tonight its like 16 pm. not  sure what to do adding the ph down sometimes doens't bring the ph down.  not sure whats going on but i added some nutes anyways of that high ph water it won't kill them there flowering already.
    anyone eles notice the ph gets out of control when you add nutes? can i assume to just add a little ph up like i always do cause it 2 ppm before the nutes and after it sky high out of control

  2. no ones knows what i'm talking about is it because i need to clean the resevoir out or something but seriously the ph of my water is really high adding ph down sometimes doesn't do anything. is it cause i stir it up to much? not enough stir
  3. all im saying is i add ph down and the ph goes up makes no sense.

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