HELP! Any INFO or opinions welcome: DOT Drug test

Discussion in 'General' started by Thecapn, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. Hey guys, so I'm going to try and lay out my position as clearly as possible. I'm hoping to get some feedback on what some people with more experience in this area than I can give.

    I work for a company where I have to have a Class E license (drive for hire license in my state) I am aware that Class A, B, and C CDL's are the only licenses that are required for random DOT testing but I'm in a bind and am extremely nervous.

    The company I work for is owned by my family and we have 2 drivers with CDLs and me (the class E). Being that we have two drivers who are subject to random testing we must sign up with a collecting agency to be put in a random pool for testing. So here at the beginning of January my boss in the business received an email from the testing company asking to be updated if we have any new drivers. The gentleman who received the email thinks a class E is required to be put on the list. Needles to say I don't want to make a big fuss so I don't throw up a bunch of red flags.

    I called the collection agency to act like I was just making sure we got everyone we needed on the list and the guy was like "yep we got all three"

    Like I said I know I'm not LEGALLY required by the DOT to take randoms test but will I be put in the pool to be drawn anyways?

    I've read over some of the protocols and it says a non-dot participant can't be in the DOT pool.

    Are the randoms something the actual department of Transportation does and then notifies the collection company who should be tested? Or will this Company throw me in with our other two drivers and show up some random day to test me? I plan to get some synthetic "quick fix" urine just in case. Also, how much of a heads up does the employers get that the random test is required?

    Like I said ANY info is welcome. Also any other places or sites that might be better to post this question? Sorry for the long winded post
  2. I worked in a medical field for 21yrs. There was always a chance of being tested. So I didn’t smoke. Cannabis will always be there when you come back to her
  3. I drove semis for a few years and was subject to random but never got one myself. I know someone who did, he got called in to the nearest Terminal or whatever and had it done. I'm not 100% if it was DOT or Company, I just figured it was DOT.

    I know of someone, didn't see it happen but he said he was tagged at an inspection station / weigh Station. I've been flagged for searches and such but never personally tested. I also don't know if that was legitimately random on the moment they ran my CDL, or if it had been in line for it.

    so basically I don't think I can help but I'm stoned and shared my stories. Maybe if you have no interactions with the DOT (weights, permits, agriculture, shit like that) then maybe your chances will be significantly lower, as I dealt with them daily in one way or another.

    I have a girlfriend who's husband (Poly) is a driver and she travels with him and they smoke, he's never pissed either for a DOT Random...

    ok, I'm out..

    Sent from my SWISHER-WR-G420A using Applebee's two for one app

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