I was told to come here and say high,,so high. not much to say Iquess since this is my first post. Hey bud I finally showed up so I will cya latr.I'll check out the site hope it's all that you claim it is partner...don't forget about us doing the changes we talked about. and I think I got your e-mail wrong.. PS...Thanx for building this computer it works great...
You will not be dissapointed in the city,,it is not yahooka by any means...the respect that you and I feel is also felt here..these people are good folks...check out the grow forums..you may recognize a few things...and there are other veteran growers here...but don't forget the rules about the Medsite..remember what happened,,we had our pant's down....let's not let it happen again.. Glad to see you like the PC,,,I told you you would like it....peace partner
High PowerBud!!!! Always great to "meet" someone new at the CITY!! Grasscity is to Yahooka, as Dr. Jeykl is to Mr. Hyde ( We're the mellow one, lol ) :