Hello Grasscity

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by NdicaBud, Oct 13, 2001.

  1. Just thought I would say hello,hope to get familiar with poster's here and,enjoy some dialogue,maybe even a chuckle or two.

    I see many fellow Yahooka names as well,,,so I am already comfortable(especially while smokin this bud).

    I'm 41 ,4 kids,15yr marriage,veteran,harley,dog,cat

    PC repair specialist,electrician,building contractor,vintage chevy truck collector/restorer

    Farmin Mary since I was 13

    User name say's the rest..I grow Indica Bud..and of course.....puff puff puff

    N.O.R.M.L. member,,
    C.A.M.L. member,,
    Activist against D.A.R.E.

    well that outta do it.................peace

  2. Welcome NdicaBud. This is the place to be. Mostly mature conversation and friendly people. I think you'll be happy here..
  3. Glad you feel as comfortable here as I do, coming from yahooka, it seems the place to be at the time.

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