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Hello from South FL

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jamie_Shay, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Whats up GC!

    Well we ran across this site about 4 days ago and
    decided to join and post away with all of you.
    Now theres 2 of us...Jamie & Shay.

    Jamie (the husband.......deep toker for the last 23 years)

    Shay (the smoker for the last 17 years)

    Anyone in the area, drop a line. :wave:

  2. I'm in south fl too!! Welcome to the city, I hope you enjoy your stay :smoking:
  3. welcome to the city. we are now cyber neighbors:p actually i live in so flo myself...what a small world
  4. i live in south florida as well(palmetto area to be exact) if anyone is near id love to go hit a bowl and rapist
  5. sarasota anyone ?
  6. Warm welcome from the St PetersBURG
  7. Hi to both of you. Used to live in Miami, now up in gville. Welcome to the city.
  8. ya, my dad lives in nokomis, but i spend a lot of time in sota(lot of friends live there) love to go toke out in siesta at night
  9. lollol sensr here kickin it in miami greetings
  10. What's up! I'm from South Florida as well :D (Miami to be exact). I just joined a few days ago as well. lol.

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