Hello from middle America

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Okie chokey, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. I'm an old man who has been growing outdoors since 1971, when my brother in law showed me how to tell the difference between male and female plants. Always lived in the country and have been able to do it without much worry. My 39 year old son has introduced me to growing indoor weed and I love it. More fun than smoking it. I currently have started PPP, Super skunk, both femmized and a couple bubblious regular seeds. Thought I'd start cheap and try Star Fighter and Gorilla Glue after I have a few runs of the cheap stuff under my belt. Anybody knowing anything about the PPP or Skunk please tell me all you know. Run some bubble stuff already and no Suprises there. Anyway I'm new here and just want to say hello to my fellow 420ers and learn about indoors.
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  2. Welcome to the city:smoke:
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  3. thanks jingo, hope to learn indoor growing from the younger generation.
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  4. Welcome aboard.
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  5. I'm new to GC as well from the old green mitten, blazed off my ass while I write this, cheers ☁️:RoorRip:
  6. Welcome to the city fellow blade, thanks for the nice read
  7. Thanks all for the warm welcome. Guess I need to move over to the grow area to learn more about the different strain I'm growing right now. Hope to see you folks over there.
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  8. For sure, consider creating a journal? Ill definitely be along for the ride, cheers.

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