Hello from KY

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by bipolarpop, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Hello all from KY. I came across this site in doing some research. I smoked cannabis as a kid and have not touched it in 15 years. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder going on 7 years now. Taking many different types of medications. I have heard many good responses of MMJ from my readings. I am becoming almost obsessed with learning an am leaning towards partaking in self medicating. My only problem is the state I live in does not have MMJ, I have kids(teenagers), and they do random drug test at my work(though I am not to concerned with this one). One questions is there anybody on here with similar situation and have bipolar disorder that can help.
  2. Hey there. My mother has Bi-Polar disorder. She's been using MMJ as a treatment for 4 years. She was on a plethora of prescriptions from the doctor for a decade until finally, she just couldn't stand being a 'zombie' (many of the drugs made her damn near to one). Now I'm not a doctor, but having seen my mother happy for so long, I would highly recommend it as a sort of treatment. I'd be happy to supply more info to any questions I feel I can answer.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply to my tread Kjasdasi. I have been reading for a while on the subject and thought I might give it a try. A lot of people see bipolar disorder as a big way of having hissy fits but that aint the case. I work 60 hours a week to support my family and my mood swings so bad some times, I dont know what to do. The meds help sometimes but like you said with your mom, they make you feel like a damn zombie. I would love to get more input on the matter, but once again, Thanks

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