Hey everybody! I've randomly decided to start growing and checking this site out the past couple days has been really helpful and made me really excited about it-- seeing how completely do-able it is. I'm planning to move out soon (hopefully within the month) and growing is at the top of my to-do list! I've got seeds on the way and everything so I'll get a grow journal going the second I'm out of here. I've only smoked a handful of times in my life and I don't think I've ever actually gotten high haha. The very first time in junior high I got some weed with my friend, and we laughed for like a half hour after smoking it, but I think that was just because we had been so nervous beforehand that it was just a relief to have done it. I'm pretty sure every time we had really crappy weed though lol, and I can't say about any time- "yeah I was totally baked". So my ultimate goal is just to be able to say "I am baked right now" and since I don't have any 'connections', I think it would just be a fun challenge to raise my own. People always tell me I should get a hobby, so here I am. Looking forward to seeing everybody in the forums!